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Fake Id

Fake Id Line Dance Tutorial

Fake Id Line Dance Tutorial

Are you looking to learn a fun and energetic line dance that will impress all your friends at the next party or event? Look no further than the Fake ID line dance! This high-energy dance is guaranteed to get everyone up on their feet and moving to the beat.

In this tutorial, we will break down the steps of the Fake ID line dance so that you can easily follow along and master the dance in no time. Whether you’re a seasoned line dancer or a beginner looking to try something new, this tutorial is perfect for dancers of all skill levels.

Before we dive into the steps of the Fake ID line dance, let’s first talk about the history of the dance. The Fake ID line dance was created by choreographer Gail Smith and has become a popular dance at country music events and dance clubs around the world. The dance is set to the upbeat song “Fake ID” by Big and Rich, which adds to the fun and lively atmosphere of the dance.

Now, let’s get started with the steps of the Fake ID line dance.

Step 1: Starting Position
Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides. Make sure to keep your posture tall and your core engaged throughout the dance.

Step 2: Side Shuffle
Start by stepping to the right with your right foot and bringing your left foot to meet your right foot. Then, step to the right again with your right foot and bring your left foot to meet your right foot once more. Repeat this side shuffle movement a few times to get the hang of it.

Step 3: Grapevine
Next, perform a grapevine to the right by crossing your right foot over your left foot, stepping to the side with your left foot, crossing your right foot behind your left foot, and then stepping to the side with your left foot. Repeat this grapevine movement to the right a few times before switching to the left side.

Step 4: Box Step
Now, perform a box step by stepping forward with your right foot, bringing your left foot to meet your right foot, stepping back with your right foot, and bringing your left foot to meet your right foot. Repeat this box step movement a few times to practice the rhythm and timing.

Step 5: Hip Bumps
Add some flair to the dance by incorporating hip bumps into your movements. To do a hip bump, simply bump your hips to the right while shifting your weight onto your right foot, and then bump your hips to the left while shifting your weight onto your left foot. Have fun with this movement and add your personal style to it.

Step 6: Clap and Turn
To spice up the dance even more, add in some claps and turns. Clap your hands together on the beat of the music and turn in a circle to the right or left to add variety and excitement to the dance. Make sure to keep your movements smooth and fluid as you transition between steps.

Step 7: Practice and Perfect
Practice the Fake ID line dance regularly to build muscle memory and improve your coordination. Focus on mastering each step individually before putting them all together in a seamless dance routine. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and have fun with the dance – after all, dancing is all about expressing yourself and enjoying the music.

In conclusion, the Fake ID line dance is a fun and lively dance that is perfect for dancers of all skill levels. By following this tutorial and practicing the steps regularly, you’ll be able to master the dance in no time and impress your friends with your newfound dance skills. So put on your dancing shoes, turn up the music, and get ready to dance the night away with the Fake ID line dance!

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