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Bangladesh Id Card Front And Back

Bangladesh Id Card Front And Back

Bangladesh Id Card Front And Back

Achieving reliable identification is essential for individuals living in Bangladesh, and one of the most credible forms of identification is the Bangladesh ID card. This card is not only a way of confirming that the cardholder is a Bangladeshi citizen, but it also serves as a means of accessing key government services.

Fortunately, acquiring a Bangladesh ID card can now be done online through the National ID website. Once the application process is completed, the cardholder will receive two cards- the front and the back- which will have all the necessary information about them. Let us examine the details and features of both cards.

Front of the Bangladesh ID Card

The front of the Bangladesh ID card is where most of the crucial information about the cardholder is stored. The cardholder’s picture is in the top-left corner and this picture serves as a way of verifying the identity of the cardholder. The picture must be updated every ten years, after which the cardholder must renew their ID card.

The cardholder’s name is written in both English and Bengali script, with the name written in Bengali script appearing first. This is because Bengali is the country’s official language. Right underneath the name, the cardholder’s father’s name is written, serving as a way of identifying family lineage.

The cardholder’s age is displayed directly beneath the name and father’s name. The date of birth serves as a way of verifying the cardholder’s age if necessary. The next important bit of information is the gender of the cardholder. There are two options, male or female, and this information is critical for differentiating between cardholders.

The cardholder’s ID number is another crucial piece of information that is on the front of the Bangladesh ID card. This number is unique to every individual and is vital for accessing government services or identifying oneself.

The bottom right of the card has two important sections. The first section contains the cardholder’s address. This is the physical location where the cardholder resides. The second section contains the expiry date, which indicates when the card needs to be renewed.

Back of the Bangladesh ID Card

The back of the Bangladesh ID card contains information about the different forms of identification that the cardholder has. These forms of identification include the cardholder’s mobile number, driving license number, and passport number.

The cardholder’s blood group is also displayed on the back of the card. This information can be critical in the event of an emergency, such as a blood transfusion.

The next important detail on the back of the Bangladesh ID card is the cardholder’s voter information. This section indicates if the cardholder is registered to vote and what voting district they are registered in. The cardholder’s voting information is crucial for elections, referendums, and other voting activities.

The cardholder’s weight and height are also displayed on the card, serving as a way of verifying the physical characteristics of the cardholder.

In Conclusion

The Bangladesh ID card is an essential form of identification for all citizens. It is also a way of accessing key government services that are critical for the country’s development. The card’s front contains vital information, such as the cardholder’s name, age, and ID number. The back of the card has other types of identification, as well as information about voting, blood type, weight, and height. Ensure that your Bangladesh ID card is always up to date, and in the event of loss or damage, report it immediately to the authorities.
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back
Bangladesh id card front and back

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